Thursday, April 9, 2009

** Keynote by Ted Nelson! **

at the ACM HYPERTEXT Conference 2009

June 29th, Turin, Italy


Main Conference:


*** Keynote speaker: Ted Nelson ***

***Extended Submission Deadline --- April, 19th***


- We are pleased to announce a keynote by Ted Nelson!

- The deadline for paper submission is extended to April, 19th.


Xanalogical storage and transclusions were proposed at the earliest days
of modern hypertext, in order to create a global document space where
users can freely share, customize and reuse content. A Xanalogical
document can be thought of as a virtual list of linked text chunks, which
can be permanently identified, retrieved and aggregated within the system.
Rich and fine-grained information about who, when and how the chunks were
edited allow users to surf and manipulate inter-connected documents in
powerful yet safe and ways.

The World Wide Web moved away the original Xanadu vision. However, new
forms of Xanalogical editing are being discovered. Active participation of
users in writing and linking web content is dramatically increasing.
Blogs, wikis and mashups all prove we are going towards (or probably we
are already into) a new Web conceived as a writing platform rather than as
a reading one. Such active participation was part original vision of the
hypertext pioneers. The depth and breadth of involvement is more than a
social trend -- it is supported by many new applications, standards and
services available today.

How is the time to find synergies between the original Xanalogical vision
and the recent developments in the WWW. Some new ideas and new prototypes
have been recently presented by the hypertext community. This workshop
will be a place to gather researchers and professionals interested in
Xanalogical models and Web editing and linking, in order to foster the
discussion, provide new research directions, and how other experts their
recently developed systems and models.

The workshop will run a half day, and be divided in two equal parts, in
order to emphasize both the theoretical/algorithmic aspects and the
practical applications of the Xanalogical model. Ample space will be
given to peer discussions and brainstorming about the results of the
presentations and the ideas brought forth by participants.

Researchers in hypertext, Web technologies, Xanalogical models,
collaborative editing, distributed systems, etc.

* Submission: Monday 19 April 2009 (Extended deadline!)
* Notification: Monday 10 May 2009 (Extended deadline!)
* Final copy: Wednesday 25 May 2009 (Extended deadline!)
* Workshop: Monday 29 June 2009

Authors must submit an electronic copy of their proposed articles (in
PDF) via email to Articles should be
between of 2 and 5 pages in length, when printed using the official ACM
templates (


The outcome will be published in the on-line Hypertext 2009 Workshops
proceedings and, given enough interesting contributions, may contribute
to forming the content of a special issue of a journal in a related area.

We will also consider multiple documents connected as a hypertext so long
as the total length is comparable to that for the printed versions, and
the system needed to interact with and display the hypertext is widely
available (to help with refereeing).

At least one of the authors of an accepted submission must register to
the main conference and participate in the workshop.

Fabio Vitali (primary contact)
Fabio Vitali is associate professor at the Department of Computer
Science of the University of Bologna. He has been interested in
versioning in hypertext systems and Xanalogical models for a long time
(including the co-organization of some workshops in the hypertext
area, ECHT94 and ECSCW95). He will act as the primary contact for this

Angelo Di Iorio
Angelo Di Iorio holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, from the University
of Bologna. His thesis is positioned over markup languages and
document engineering areas, being focused on design patterns for
digital documents segmentation. During his master thesis and his PhD
he has also worked on collaborative authoring, document versioning and
content formatting.

Jamie Blustein
Jamie is an associate professor in both the Faculties of Computer
Science and Management at Dalhousie University in Canada.
Jamiehas been
an active member of the ACM Hypertext community since 1996. His primary
interest in hypertext is in personalization and augmentation.

* Fabio Vitali, University of Bologna, Italy
* James Blustein, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
* Angelo Di Iorio, University of Bologna, Italy
* John Lumley, HPLabs, Bristol, UK
* Andrew Pam, Xanadu Australia, Australia
* Manolis Tzigaris, Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, Greece
* Jim Rosenberg, Grindstone, PA, USA
* Phil Cox, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

Hypertext 2009
The Twentieth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
June 29th - July 1st, 2009, Torino, Italy

Hypertext 2009 will be participating in the ACM Student Research Competition sponsored by Microsoft Research. The SRC, which is held at select ACM conferences, will provide an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students attending Hypertext 2009 to receive a $500 travel grant from Microsoft Research to present their research at Hypertext 2009. All invited students will compete in a conference competition for the best presentations, with the winners eligible for a spot in the SRC Grand Finals. The SRC is a valuable opportunity for students to participate in Hypertext 2009 and to receive recognition from ACM for the quality of their research.

The Hypertext 2009 SRC consists of two rounds: a poster session and a presentation session. A panel of judges will select a number of finalists from the poster session, who will be invited to the presentation session. Winners are selected from the presentation session. The top three graduate and undergraduate winners will receive cash awards.

The Hypertext 2009 SRC winners will be invited to participate in the SRC Grand Finals, an online round of competitions among the winners of individual conference-hosted SRCs. The winners of the Grand Finals are invited to the ACM awards banquet together with their advisors, for an all-expenses-paid trip.

Eligibility Requirements
Current ACM student membership
Current "student" status as of April 30, 2009, either graduate or undergraduate
Submission Details
Students who wish to participate must submit the following information:

An abstract of up to 800 words explaining the content of the poster.
Presenter's email address, phone number and surface mail address.
Indicate whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student.
Name of department and school.
Name of academic advisor.
The abstract must describe the student's individual research and must be first-authored by the student. If the work is collaborative with others and/or part of a larger group project, the abstract should make clear what the student's role was and should focus on that portion of the work.
Submissions of short or full technical papers are not eligible for consideration of the SRC.

Important Dates
April 30, 2009 Deadline for submission
May 11, 2009 Notification of acceptance

All submissions should be formatted according to the official ACM SIG proceedings template and submitted via EasyChair.

Up to ten undergraduate and twenty graduate abstracts will be selected for competition at the conference.

Further Information
Any queries regarding the Hypertext 2009 SRC should be sent to Dr. Cristina Gena, cristina.gena at di dot unito dot it.